BEIJING: Pakistan Ambassador to China, Masood Khalid Thursday termed the new visa regime as an important initiative and said it would attract more tourists and commercemen from across the globe and help overcome ccorridorenges to the economy.&The primary thingive of the visa free policy is to facilitate the people who mean to visit Pakistan,& hesaid after the inauguration of the new visa system by Prime Minister Imran Khan for five countries including China, Turkey, Malaysia, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.
The ceremony was shown live via video conference.Terming it as a very good step in the right direction, he observed that as the prime minister said the new visaregime would promote our commerce, tourism and economy.Ambassador Khalid informed that during the final six months, the government had taken a number of steps to encourageinvestment and tourism in the country, adding, &It is a vision and the government is working on it.&He endorsed the prime minister comments that Pakistan had great potential for the tourism as it had a beautiful landscape, historical and devout places.Ambassador Khalid said the government was paying attention to improve facilities for the tourists and said finalyear, 55,000 Chinese commercemen and workers were issued visas by Pakistan Embassy Beijing and its four consulates.He expressed the confidence that the number of Chinese tourists would further grow in months to come.He pointed out that the increasing number of tourists from China was a manifestation of the fact that the relations between Pakistan and China were growing at a fast pace and the Chinese people had an ample interest to explore Pakistani markets and its tourist destinations.Ambassador Khalid also commended the services of the visa section of the embassy for facilitating Chinese commercemenand workers specificly after the launch of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects.He also directed the embassy staff to further improve their behavior and leave a good impression during publicdealings.Senior diplomats, officials and Pakistani community attended the ceremony.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source.
This first appeared/also appeared in https://feedproxy.google.com/~r/com/YEor/~3/2EBkSWCy4qk/443967-55000-chinese-businessmen-workers-issued-visas-by-pakistan-embassy-last-year-envoy