GTA publisher Take-Two Interactive has revealed it has it has some juicy projects in the works, which includes making a return to some of its more popular game franchises.In the company's latest financial statement it states that Take-Two Interactive has its "strongest development pipeline in its history, including sequels from our biggest franchises as well as exciting new IP".But what game series could the publisher be revisiting?(Image credit: 2K Games)Take-Two interactive owns a multitude of developers including GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 developer Rockstar Games.
While we're hoping this statement is teasing GTA 6, it's more likely that its hinting at the rumored new BioShock game.In early 2018, Kotaku reported that a top secret studio had started working on a new addition to the BioShock series.Within the article on the current goings on at Mafia 3 development studio, Hangar 13, Kotaku reported that theres a studio located right next door housing a team at work on the early stages of the next BioShock game, codenamed Parkside.BioShock is part of the Take-Two family, and considered one of the publisher's biggest franchises (though dormant since the release of the second episode of the BioShock Infinite spinoff, Burial At Sea, in 2014), so it wouldn't be surprising if the sequel teased ends up being BioShock 3.
However, the publisher may be referring to the - also leaked - Mafia 4.However, a new BioShock game seems the most likely as only a few days ago a 2K job listing for an End Game Design Lead was found online, suggesting that the rumored next BioShock game will be a live service title.We're hoping Take-Two Interactive will officially announce what it's working on soon (though we already kind of know what to expect).
We may even get a surprise GTA 6 announcement, who knows?g2eUmC9mie6Et6Aic4zHPF.jpg?#