
ANI | Updated: Jan 11, 2020 05:59 IST Pratapgarh (Uttar Pradesh) [India], Jan 11 (ANI): A girl student was allegedly kidnapped on her way home from college in Dahilamau area of Pratapgarh district in Uttar Pradesh on Friday."Around 3:30 we received information that a girl had gone missing.
During the initial probe, some clues were found.
We will register a case and initiate detailed investigation," Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Surender Kumar told reporters here.The girl, a student of Saket Girls' College in Dahilamau, was walking back to her home at the time of the incident.Saket Girls' College manager Arvind Srivastava said that the girl left the college at around 2:30 pm."The mother of the girl said that she called her from the kidnappers' phone at 2:49 pm and informed her that some men were kidnapping her," Srivastava said.Locals say that a black four-wheeler was seen speeding in the area around the same time.

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