
"Mera Booth, Sabse Mazboot" is the initiative.New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will interact with over 1 crore Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers and volunteers from 15,000 locations across the country on February 28 in what the party claimed would be the "world's largest video conference"."On Feb 28, PM Modi will interact with over 1 crore BJP karyakartas, volunteers well wishers, spread across 15,000 locations, in what would be world's largest video conference," BJP President Amit Shah said in a tweet on Sunday. People can send their questions to the Prime Minister for the interaction titled 'Mera Booth Sabse Mazboot' through NaMO app. With the interaction, PM Modi is aiming at mobilising support from the general public and galvanising the party workers into action for the upcoming Lok Sabha election. "Mera Booth, Sabse Mazboot - Get ready for a unique interaction with PM Narendra Modi on February 28.

The Prime Minister will be interacting with volunteers, supporters and party karyakartas from across the country," read the message on the Prime Minister's website.  

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