World News

Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @nhk_news who has Follower count of 3086775 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @nhk_news : 立民 枝野代表 &政治の転換必要 衆院選で政権交代を& #nhk_news This tweet has received Retweets up to 357

Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @YahooNewsTopics who has Follower count of 944226 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @YahooNewsTopics : 【立民 次の衆院選「政権交代」】 立憲民主党は31日、合流新党として初めてとなる定期党大会を東京都内で開いた。枝野幸男代表は、次期衆院選で野党共闘を進め、政権交代を目指す考えを表明した。 This tweet has received Retweets up to 261
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @CDP2017 who has Follower count of 186240 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @CDP2017 : 枝野幸男「日本社会の弱さと脆さから命と暮らしを守る。機能する政府をつくるため、政権交代の選択肢となる。私は、この2つの目標を成し遂げるため、あらゆる知恵と力を振り絞り、全力を尽くします。」#党大会2021… This tweet has received Retweets up to 178
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @CDP2017 who has Follower count of 186240 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @CDP2017 : 枝野立憲代表、衆院選で「自公倒す」 初の党大会、政権交代へ決意:時事ドットコム #党大会2021 @jijicomより This tweet has received Retweets up to 223
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @Sankei_news who has Follower count of 569917 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @Sankei_news : 政権交代へ「政治の転換」訴えるも、負のイメージ消えず 立民党大会 新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の中で菅義偉内閣の支持率が下落する一方、立憲民主党の支持率も著しく低迷している。 新党… This tweet has received Retweets up to 91
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @kyodo_official who has Follower count of 281066 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @kyodo_official : 立民、次期衆院選で「政権交代」 - 合流後初の党大会 This tweet has received Retweets up to 94
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @abe_tomoko who has Follower count of 21480 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @abe_tomoko : とにかくこの8年余の政治は常軌を逸している。安倍元総理に関わる森、加計、桜はその分かり易い象徴だが、日銀による株価の操作やコロナ感染症に対する危機感のない対応迄、政治は全く機能していない。政権交代を掲げる野党はまず情報公開、そして主権者国民の選択を可能にすべく、国会審議に全力を。 This tweet has received Retweets up to 45
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @YahooNewsTopics who has Follower count of 944226 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @YahooNewsTopics : 【コメント8500件】 立民 次の衆院選「政権交代」 #Yahooニュース This tweet has received Retweets up to 36
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @hmakihara who has Follower count of 5362 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @hmakihara : 共産党さんも入った形での政権交代を目指すことを明言!天皇制や自衛隊の合憲性、共産主義·社会主義を目指すのかも争点になります。 むろん、私は揺るぎなく合憲、そして自由主義·資本主義で、共産主義国家化には反対です 立民 次の衆院選「政… This tweet has received Retweets up to 25
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @itami_k who has Follower count of 8930 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @itami_k : 生活保護には自民党が政権交代からずっと偏見や負のイメージを与えてきた。生活保護基準10%引き下げは自民党の公約。片山さつき氏、世耕弘成氏ら生活保護受給者攻撃、ナマポと揶揄した石原伸晃。僕は忘れない。 → 「餓死しても生活保護は嫌」… This tweet has received Retweets up to 52
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @hmakihara who has Follower count of 5362 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @hmakihara : 2009年政権交代、そして民主党政権 日本国民が忘れてはならない3年半である。辺野古移転、尖閣事件、経済6重苦、雇用不況、度重なる内部分裂等々 その後の政治はその反省の上に立って再スタートしたはず 今、2009年のコピーのよ… This tweet has received Retweets up to 30
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @umemura_saeko who has Follower count of 8578 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @umemura_saeko : 🍀🍀本気で政権交代!🍀🍀 🌈オール野党の連合政権を🌈 「新しい日本を、共に」    オンラインミニつどい いよいよ明日✨ お気軽にご参加ください💕 日本共産党埼玉県委員会YouTubeで検索してくださいね☺️ This tweet has received Retweets up to 27
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @kharaguchi who has Follower count of 260955 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @kharaguchi : たかまつさん、私がコメントに答えているのは、あのインタビューについてであり、あなたに対してでは、ありません。  現場で政権交代を目指して頑張っている多くの仲間に向けたコメントです。 鈴木ななさんと間違ってかつてメッセージしてすみま… This tweet has received Retweets up to 39
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @ModJapan_jp who has Follower count of 1075423 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @ModJapan_jp : 【岸防衛大臣の動静】 1月24日、#岸防衛大臣 は22日に就任したオースティン米国防長官と電話会談を実施しました。双方は、米国での政権交代や新型コロナウイルスへの対応の最中においても、強固な日米同盟の絆は揺るぎなく、地域におけるい… This tweet has received Retweets up to 1009
Below is the Popular tweet tweeted by @RyuichiYoneyama who has Follower count of 65729 at the time of Publishing this Analytic Article.

   @RyuichiYoneyama : この時は2009年の政権交代選挙で、焦った自民党が日本中で「民主党は日の丸を切るんだ!」と論っていました。いい悪いは別にして特段悪意のある行為ではないのに、政敵を論う口実にした実例がもろにあります。この時刑事罰があったら、立件され… This tweet has received Retweets up to 24

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Hong Kong eyeing Southeast Asia and Europe to diversify skill swimming pool

Indonesia cuts access to online gaming websites as crime rises

Hong Kong's airport did not have emergency situation strategy to handle display screen failure, experts state

US, Vietnam discuss boosting cooperation in wake of Putin visit

Computer failure at Hong Kong airport hits real-time flight information for passengers

Philippines not a warmonger in South China Sea: Marcos

U.S. says avocado assessments might resume in struggling Mexican state, opening method for imports

Reggie Jackson on playing in segregated Birmingham in 1967: 'I would not wish it on anybody'Before an MLB video game honoring the Negro Leagues, Reggie Jackson offered a history lesson on what it resembled to be a Black player in Birmingham, Ala., in 1967

Supreme Court turns down gun rights for individuals implicated of domestic violence

Supreme Court rules against Los Angeles couple denied visa in part over husband's tattoos

Opinion: The excellent powers are craving another nuclear arms race. Who will stop them?More deployed nuclear weapons are an existential risk to all of us. Do not leave it to generals, bureaucrats and political leaders to choose your fate.

Alberto today, Beryl tomorrow. Will the next huge storm have your name?Debby, Oscar, Tony: What's in a storm's name? How does a tropical storm or hurricane get its moniker? Will yours shown up on the forecasters' list?

Nonstop attacks about Trump, Biden's psychological skill tower above the very first presidential debate

With temperature levels and stress soaring, forests are burning in Israel and Lebanon

USC drops complaints, won't discipline professor who said 'Hamas are murderers'

HuskyWorks During Rover Testing

Nigel Farage under fire for claiming West provoked Russia into invading Ukraine

Browse teams gather for sixth day of hunt for teenager Jay Slater missing in Tenerife

54 people dead after drinking tainted liquor in India with hundreds hospitalised

Max Boot: Russia-North Korea pact bolsters ?alignment of evil? aimed at destroying global rules-based order

Former Manchester United footballer Nicky Butt banned from driving for 12 months over motorcycle crash

New editor of 'Washington Post' actions down in the middle of backlash linked to ethics declares

Woman who sued her sweetheart for spoiling her journey by not driving her to airport has case dismissed

Kate Middleton posts affectionate birthday welcoming to 'Papa' Prince William of Wales

Man strangled friend he believed had ?summoned Bigfoot? to eat him

Former Donald Trump assistant Steve Bannon's bid to avoid of jail rejected by appeals court

Tory chaos continues as Rishi Sunak stops working to confirm if more Conservatives bet on election date

Rise in project contributions after Donald Trump's conviction might tip balance in presidential race

Israeli barrage leaves dozens dead across Gaza amid strong clashes

Workers sue Disney declaring they were fraudulently caused to move to Florida

Two charged after Just Stop Oil activists sprayed orange paint on private jets at Stansted Airport

Mega-donor offered $50 million to Trump project on day of hush-money conviction

Far-right candidate attacked while marketing ahead of French election

Why pick on us Cyprus perplexed by Hezbollah threats

Tories in crisis as campaign director steps aside over election betting scandal

Russia targets Ukrainian weapon-making facilities with aerial pounding

Joe Biden overtakes Donald Trump in most current Fox News survey amid improved optimism on economy

Film icon Donald Sutherland, noted for his radiance in wide array of roles, passes away aged 88

Benjamin Netanyahu rages after Israeli military states Hamas can't be removed

12-year-old Jewish woman allegedly gang-raped by kids (13) in Paris residential area

Vladimir Putin continues Asian public relations blitz in Vietnam see

Israeli strikes kill a minimum of 42 in Gaza

Sino-French satellite introduced into orbit

Namibian court overturns anti-gay laws

3 dead, 11 hurt in US supermarket shooting

Japan court rules trans female 'father' of girl born after switch

Xi, Putin rating wins as more Asia leaders intend to sign up with Brics

Over 200 hurt, 100 jailed in Kenya tax protests

Rohingya may have entered Bangladesh in recent Myanmar clashes

Can women benefit from Viagra

Vietnam 'willing' to talk to Philippines about Manila's UN maritime claim

With Willie Mays dead, is his godson, Barry Bonds, the greatest living baseball player

AA conferences in the White House Kennedy, a recuperating addict, says it's simply among changes he 'd make

Prosecutors allege Alec Baldwin engaged in 'horseplay' and acted recklessly on 'Rust' set

Supreme Court upholds Californian's drug trafficking conviction that leaned on expert's opinion

Supreme Court maintains a tax on business wealth held overseas

Calmes: Can the kowtowing to Trump get any worse

She sang for 'El Chapo.' Now the cartel kingpin's attorney wishes to be a ranchera star

NASA's Hubble Celebrates 21st Anniversary with Rose of Galaxies

English fan and Danish wife ?still alive? after 1-1 draw at Euros

Global alert issued over phony weight-loss and diabetes drugs

Chimps helping scientists discover plants that have prospective to end up being medications

Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte wins race for Nato leading job

Taylor Swift fans already queuing outside Wembley as Eras Tour gets here in London

Simply Stop Oil activists 'spray orange paint over jets' at airfield where Taylor Swift's personal jet landed

2 environment protesters jailed after spray painting private jets hours after Taylor Swift's plane lands at Stansted airport

At least 31 die in India's Tamil Nadu after taking in tainted alcohol

Law enforcement officer in Rishi Sunak's defense team arrested for election date bet in the middle of calls for questions from PM

2 dead as New Mexico wildfires ruin 1,400 structures and engulf 23,000 acres

Louisiana public school classrooms need to display the Ten Commandments under brand-new law

A minimum of 31 die in India after taking in tainted alcohol

Japan's flood of travelers triggers call to charge immigrants more

Myanmar's Aung San Suu Kyi turns 79 under detention

Disney told L.A. residents to transfer to Florida for a planned campus. They did, it was canceled and now they're taking legal action against

California races roiled by border, immigration. It could tip control of the House

What Americans want from food: Energy, muscle strength, better health and less stress

Column: Biden-Trump argument nears amid hopes to prevent another Dumpster fire

A Ukrainian 'King Lear' comes to Shakespeare's home town. Its stars know true catastrophe

Opinion: You know what might cool off North Korea's nuclear program Balloons bring K-pop

Column: This GOP-leaning political ballot firm has developed into a purveyor of anti-vaccine propaganda

Avocados toast Price and schedule might suffer after USDA halts some Mexican evaluations

Ecuador relocates to limit U.S.-bound Chinese migrants, many of whom cross border in California

Goldberg: The Supreme Court's function in our partisan polarization has been considerably exaggerated

One Sasaki throws hard, another hits homers. Will Rōki or Rintaro be MLB's next Japanese star

Celebrating Juneteenth

Rishi Sunak could lose seat in Tory general election wipeout, major poll predicts

Abuse of kids and severe violence at King Charles's school was 'normalised'

Russia?s drone attack damages Ukraine energy infrastructure

Secrets, sulks and spats: tabloid tell-all makes explosive claims about 'power couple' David and Victoria Beckham

Nasa rover finds mystical never-seen-before light-toned boulder on Mars

Ground-breaking Covid research study reveals why some individuals do not get the disease

Michelle Ye Hee Lee: Role reversal as Putin?s visit to North Korea shows extent of his desperation

UN report accuses Israel of ?exterminating? Palestinians

West concerned by North Korea and Russia's 'alliance' that vows mutual defense in face of attack

UK police officer arrested over alleged bets on election timing

Cyril Ramaphosa sworn in for 2nd term as South African president

'Bridezilla' needs debt-ridden buddy pay $20k to attend her wedding event, and 'put costs on a charge card'

Married US soldier imprisoned for 4 years in Russia after 'tempestuous' love affair turns sour

Joey Barton's apology and agreement to pay damages 'not the final outcome' of libel case, says Jeremy Vine

Without a navy, Ukraine has sunk a third of Black Sea fleet

Thousands of Israelis join demonstration in Jerusalem versus Benjamin Netanyahu's government

US fears escalation of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah

Shooter who eliminated five at Colorado LGBTQ+ club pleads guilty to 50 federal hate crimes

New york city leading court decreases to hear Trump's gag order appeal

Titanic sub disaster one year on: How the world saw a disaster unfold over four days

Eight people on trial accused of plotting to overthrow German government

Co-founder of business behind Titan submersible disaster claims he can 'safely' send people to Venus

Russian President Putin arrives in Vietnam for state check out

Extreme heat kills hundreds of hajj pilgrims

Putin and Kim indication partnership pact

China provides to assist Malaysia link rail line to Thailand

Justin Timberlake arrested for drink driving

China's rich ditch flashy luxury as global sales stall, says Bain

Philippines states sailor loses finger in China sea clash

Biden helps immigrant spouses of U.S. citizens: What to know

Thailand becomes first country in south-east Asia to allow same-sex marriage

Secret Service representative robbed at gunpoint during Joe Biden's Los Angeles journey

Child abandoned on strolling path in sweltering heat with umbilical cable still connected

Hanoi citizens praise Putin as 'world leader', 'idol'

Tibet federal government in exile states United States law pressures China to talk

SpaceX aims to 'catch' the most significant rocket ever built in a world-first

Vladimir Putin to go to North Korea as fears grow over leaders' military co-operation

US pastor who was faith adviser to Donald Trump admits ?inappropriate sexual behaviour? after molestation claim

Joe Biden targets 'convicted felon' Donald Trump in $50m ad blitz ahead of first dispute

United States cosmetic surgeon basic calls for health caution on social networks for teens

Will underwater signal lastly resolve mystery of flight MH370

Far right attacks footballer Kylian Mbappe after he warns against political ?extremes? ahead of French election

Keir Starmer dismisses Nigel Farage 'noise' and states vote is a two-horse race in between him and Rishi Sunak

Benjamin Netanyahu liquifies Israeli war cabinet following opposition leader Benny Gantz's departure over lack of technique

Police ?probably right? to run over cow with car, says farmers? union official

Moscow firmly insists peace talks kept in its absence all but worthless

Tokyo's Shibuya to prohibit street drinking in the evening in some locations

A tiny fern with a big trick just got into the Guinness Book of World Records

California firefighters gain ground against huge wildfires

Body of American tourist found on Greek island and 3 others missing out on as heat toll rises

YouTube prankster 'was on field at Euros opening ceremony impersonated mascot'

Should FEMA recognize extreme heat and wildfire smoke as 'major disasters'

New drug's potentially fatal side effects obscured by 'soothing acronym,' doctors say

Trump is lionizing Jan. 6 rioters as 'warriors.' Could the canine whistle be any louderTrump is appealing militia members who fight for him that if he wins, they will not just be safeguarded from the law, they will be lionized as heroes.

During Watergate, the Supreme Court spoke with one voice. Can it do the same in Trump's case

Threats of terrorism in the U.S. are 'more diverse and difficult to counter'

How an amputee soccer group is helping Ukrainian soldiers conquer the trauma of war

Calmes: The Trump veep guessing game is silly

Management and Program Analyst Mallory Carbon

Social media websites ought to be labelled as health threats, says US health official

Coldplay to launch new album on vinyl made from recycled plastic bottles

Injured cow mowed down by police officer offered ?idyllic? retirement home after escaping breeding farm

Nigel Farage releases Reform election 'contract' guaranteeing to take on 'population explosion' in UK

Rose of Tralee contestant found dead after family report her missing

Count Binface promises national service for former prime ministers in manifesto

'Hardest Geezer' comes to Euros for very first England game

Benjamin Netanyahu disbands his inner war cabinet, Israeli official says amidst growing criticism of his leadership

Train crash kills at least eight people in eastern India

Joe Biden appears to freeze again at charity event as Barack Obama helps him off stage

Photographer disqualified from AI image contest after winning with real photo

World ?is way off track? on environment, health and hunger goals ? UN report

Pope Francis faces United Nations probe over allegations of unlawful phone tapping linked to London residential or commercial property sale

George Clooney and Julia Roberts among A-listers assisting Joe Biden gala raise record $28m

Tom Newton Dunn: Battle to be next Tory leader has started and with 16 competing for leading area, things will get ugly

German authorities shoot man who threatened to attack Euro 2024 fans with hammer and Molotov mixed drink

Benjamin Netanyahu hits out at prepare for 11-hour Israeli military 'stops briefly' that would let aid into Gaza

?It looked they they tried to kill it? ? anger after runaway cow rammed by police car

West backs Ukraine at peace summit however leaders fail to lay out next actions to end war

?Transparency helps?: Nato in talks to put nuclear weapons on standby

Russian forces storm jail to kill six IS-linked hostage takers

Beavers pave way for return of endangered water voles to Scottish jungle

Cambridgeshire community to take on running challenge for woman with terminal disease

Big Issue reveals edition assembled by individuals with discovering impairments

3 detained after boy (16) eliminated by falling tree

Russia's Putin to check out Kim in North Korea this week

Kremlin says NATO chief's nuclear weapons remarks are escalation

Countless Rohingya feared caught in battling in western Myanmar

China, Philippines spar over details of newest ship crash

Hong Kongers told to safeguard against 'flesh-eating' bacteria infection when in Japan

Half of shops affected by renewal plan in Hong Kong's 'Little Thailand' objective to stay in area