
China has released a new white paper which, first and foremost, reiterates “the fact that Taiwan is part of China”, documents the historic aspect of the territory and warns outside forces especially the United States against using separatist forces in Taipei to contain Beijing.The new white paper states “some elements in a small number of countries, the U.S.

foremost among them, have colluded with forces in Taiwan, to falsely claim that the [UN] resolution [2758] did not conclusively resolve the issue of Taiwan's representation.”The resolution enshrines the one-China principle and as the paper states “leaves no doubt Taiwan does not have any ground, reason, or right to join the UN, or any other international organization whose membership is confined to sovereign states the paper clarifies.”A spokesperson for the Taiwan Work Office of the Communist Party of China explained that “separatist forces' collusion with external forces in making provocations, as well as their vicious words and deeds that attempt to undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity or stand in the way of its reunification,”The publication comes on the backdrop of U.S.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who became the highest-ranking American official in power to land in Taiwan.

The trip was the latest in a series of visits by U.S.

politicians over the past few years to Taipei to hold meetings with separatist forces.The controversial trips have gone ahead despite the United Nations, officially recognizing the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China.

A principle that is even acknowledged by Washington in that there is one China and Taiwan is part of China.Yet similar to the United States' violations of international law and agreements in other parts of the world, the hegemonic and warmongering seeking politicians in the country and those who stand behind them have been attempting to disrupt the independence of countries in East Asia.Beijing had strongly and repeatedly warned against Pelosi’s visit but the U.S.

House Speaker went ahead with it anyway at a time of changing international geopolitics and relations.With the NATO military alliance’s eastward expansion towards Russian borders sparking the crisis in Ukraine, it has become evident that the United States and the powerful lobby groups that control the country’s congress are using proxy parties to contain the rising influence, power, and economy of other countries.Experts argue that those parties (such as the separatist forces in Taiwan) colluding with Washington are perhaps unable to ascertain they are being used as pawns to their own detriment and to the detriment of their people, their economies, and their livelihoods.China’s new white paper picks up on this matter by pointing out the economic prosperity of people on both sides of the Taiwan strait when working together in areas of politics and trade.

However, where there is economic prosperity, there is also the hawks in Washington who also want a piece of that pie.The Russian Federation, which has for decades fended off Washington’s desire to undermine its standing in the international arena, condemned Pelosi’s Taipei trip, as did the Islamic Republic of Iran which has had similar experiences with the United States.One of the biggest beneficiaries of American officials visiting Taiwan have been U.S.

arms manufacturers who have used the trips to sell separatist forces in Taiwan weapons to the tune of billions of dollars and to the cheers and applause of the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council.However as analysts have pointed out, the weapons which accompany the trips by foreign officials will fail to bring the Taiwanese separatist forces any security, they only increase tension, as was evident with China’s military exercises in the aftermath of Pelosi’s visit.Experts have argued that it’s a very similar scenario with the crisis in Ukraine where U.S.

arms manufacturers are making a huge profit from the fighting at the expense of Ukrainians.

The weapons manufacturing firms are the face of the American congress where Pelosi is expected to lose her job in the November mid-term elections; which may explain her Taiwan trip."We are one China, and Taiwan is part of China.

This is an indisputable fact supported by history and the law.

Taiwan has never been a state; its status as part of China is unalterable," says the white paper.The paper emphasizes on unity among all Chinese saying “the future of Taiwan lies in China's reunification, and the wellbeing of the people in Taiwan hinges on the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, an endeavor that bears on the future and destiny of the people on both sides.

A united and prosperous China will be a blessing for all Chinese, while a weak and divided China will be a disaster.”It goes on to state that “separatist propaganda and the unresolved political dispute between the two sides have created misconceptions over cross-Straits relations, problems with national identity, and misgivings over national reunification among some fellow Chinese in Taiwan.”The spokesperson expressed confidence that the international community and all countries that have established diplomatic ties with China will abide by the one-China principle, properly handle Taiwan-related issues, develop better understanding and give more support to the Chinese people for their just cause of opposing "Taiwan independence".Underlying a new era for the country the white paper points out several key issues that the Western media will try to ignore.It states that “once peaceful reunification is achieved under One Country, Two Systems, it will lay new foundations for China to make further progress and achieve national rejuvenation.

At the same time, it will create huge opportunities for social and economic development in Taiwan and bring tangible benefits to the people of Taiwan.”The paper explains in detail how firstly; “backed up by the vast mainland market, Taiwan's economy will enjoy broader prospects.”Secondly, it expands on how “provided that China's sovereignty, security, and development interests are guaranteed after reunification Taiwan will enjoy a high degree of autonomy as a special administrative region.”Thirdly it touches on how the “Chinese will bridge gaps and differences caused by long-term separation.”Finally, the paper states how “peaceful Reunification of China Is Conducive to Peace and Development in the Asia-Pacific and the Wider World.”All four points are issues that “some elements in a small number of countries, the U.S.

foremost among them” would be dreading to forecast and will no doubt try to disrupt.

The idea of economic prosperity, real and true freedom in the form of territorial integrity, regional unity as well as peace and prosperity in the Asia Pacific doesn’t sound too good for U.S.

politicians who have lobby groups with envelopes of money in their pockets.There is no financial profit in peace and prosperity for Washington, while a stronger China (just like a stronger Russia or Iran) is inevitable sooner rather than later and something that the United States quite frankly is just unable to stop.The reasons are many but as the new white paper alludes to in its conclusion, China has a “5,000-year history” and ancient civilizations are not going anywhere apart from growing in strength and power.The United States, with its short history of violence, displacement of native Americans, discrimination, slavery, and reliance on war for survival (in a similar fashion to that of the Zionist regime in West Asia) will soon see it’s fake global and short term hegemony collapse.

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