![](https://focus.independent.ie/thumbor/cOBZpTIPUD2UWrqc6hGGxG2WEm4=/720x0/smart/prod-mh-ireland/0714dd70-5d0e-483b-a966-2ade9ee9f716/e758b20c-fad6-4581-aa73-7ae4895b2a2f/0714dd70-5d0e-483b-a966-2ade9ee9f716.jpg?# )
Donald Trump has fired the independent inspectors-general of at least 14 major US federal agencies in a purge that could clear the way for to install loyalists in the crucial role of identifying fraud, waste and abuse in the American government.
Donald Trump has fired the independent inspectors-general of at least 14 major US federal agencies in a purge that could clear the way for to install loyalists in the crucial role of identifying fraud, waste and abuse in the American government.