![](https://media.tehrantimes.com/d/t/2025/02/07/4/5368092.jpg?# )
SOUTH LEBANON Trumps provocative phrase It was a great operation, after Bibi Netanyahu gave him a golden pager was not surprising.
This is the Western barbarism at its finest! It is a reminder to those deceived by Western civilized values, panting to appease the Great Satan.If the Lebanese resistance movement did the same thing against the Zionists or Westerners, would it also be a great operation?!For long, the colonial West has legitimized the use of any possible tool to ethnically cleanse civilians, and cause them permanent disabilities and chronic diseases.Netanyahu, the criminal, had urged more than 20 years ago that after the military war, a cultural war must be waged against us to eliminate Islamic values and replace them with Western values.The enemy knows that even if they kill us, they will not be able to eliminate the idea of resistance because it is rooted in our culture.
It is not stupid and knows very well that shaking the Muslims allegiance to their Islamic identity is the solution.This hypothesis is even stipulated in the Holy Quran: And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion (Surat Al-Baqarah: 120).The enemy will not explicitly call us to abandon the Hijab and religious rituals, but rather they will work to spread any means that would distract us from the essence of Islam.They know that religion is synonymous with politics, and whenever we adhere to our religion, this means that we will not accept injustice, occupation, and the desecration of our sanctities.Hence, the easiest way to do this is to promote obscenity, the culture of consumption and individualism, to have women abandon chastity, and other liberal values.This is the same goal of the UN 2030 plan, the normalization agreements, and the fabricated Abrahamic religion.Was not Prophet Abrahams movement a resistance uprising?Did he not refuse to submit to anyone but the One God?Did he not resist in defense of his beliefs?Our peoples in West Asia have long coexisted; the values of love, brotherhood, and compassion prevailed among them until imperialism was implemented: Divide and conquer.13 years of patience and steadfastness on principles were spent by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his followers in Mecca before the Almighty God ordered them to migrate to Medina.Then, Medina included a diverse community of Muslims (the Meccan immigrants and the Ansar from the Aws and Khazraj tribes) and the Jews.
So, he called on them to sign the Charter of Medina which obligated them all to defend the state.
But what happened? Did they abide?!Before him, they fought Prophet Zechariah (AS) until they cut him up with saws, which made the matter difficult for his son Prophet Yahya (AS), who narrated was skilled in the Mosaic Law provisions.Along with his cousin Prophet Jesus, Prophet Yahya (AS) revolted against Herod, the head of the Byzantine occupation of Palestine at that time, who was not only a dictator but also an immoral adulterer.When his prostitutes became an old hag, he wanted to marry her daughter.
Prophet Yahya denounced that and explained to the people that Herods relationship was illegitimate.
Once that old woman found out, she got angry and asked Herod for the dowry to be Prophet Yahyas slaughtered head.It was not long before his head was brought inside a golden basin, just as the head of Imam Hussein (AS) was brought to the tyrant Yazid, who poked it with a stick, gloating over Sayyedah Zainab (AS).The moral is what did this schadenfreude lead to? To retreat and cowardice? Or to steadfastness? The best evidence of that is what we are experiencing these days of the victory of Imam Khomeinis revolution and its steadfastness after more than four decades of all kinds of hostility, injustice, etc.In the upcoming stage, the soft war will resurge in its ugliest and most horrible ways, especially through the school curricula with freedoms and so on.The enemy will practice intellectual terrorism and brainwashing through the media traditional and alternative; they will pass their colonial values in cartoon and social series and talk shows.While they did not move a finger to defend the women of Gaza and Lebanon who were subjected to systematic terrorism, they will wake up from their deep slumber to exaggerate a marginal incident to incite riots, killing, and overthrow of elected governments!In light of this blatant gloating and schadenfreude, we will be nothing but a thorn in the hearts of the enemies, not in the hearts of hundreds of the Pager Massacre victims.Our children, whom the West is betting on corrupting, have already lived through the war in all its details.
They are automatically planning to study hard, major in technology, and then revenge for those with extinguished eyes and amputated fingers.Currently, we are drawing our future with our own hands, either betrayal and honorable victory, or loyalty and freedom.To the gloaters, the bloodsuckers, we say that the shoes of our beloved wounded are more honorable than all of you as our supreme Martyr, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah once stated, urging us: Martyr Qassem Soleimanis shoes are equal to Trumps head; the just retribution is to expel the Americans from the [West Asia] region.Watching Netanyahu granting a golden pager to Trump is rubbing salt into the wound