It was revealed during the Parliamentary session today (07), that in addition to the compensation provided by the government, then Members of Parliament whose houses were gutted in fires during the Aragalaya protest movement have also been allocated houses from the Viyathpura housing complex.A total of 26 MPs had requested the then Speaker of Parliament to facilitate the provision of houses in Block 05 of the Viyathpura housing complex, located on Weera Mawatha, Pannipitiya.As a result, these MPs have been provided with houses from this complex.Typically, when purchasing houses in the complex, buyers are required to pay 50% of the house value upfront and settle the remaining amount within one year.However, the aforementioned MPs were permitted to reduce the downpayment to 25% and pay the balance over a period of 15 years.Furthermore, it was revealed that the value of the houses was determined by averaging the initial property valuation and the current valuation, with the resulting amount used as the final price.Speaking on the matter in Parliament today, Deputy Minister T.
Sarath stated, We doubt these are houses that were set on fire intentionally.
Even those whose windows were set on fire have bought houses.
There are 76 people in total.
There is a list of 26.The list of MPs who received houses from the Viyathpura housing complex is as follows: