The ceasefire in Gaza has actually proven essential to saving lives, bringing in humanitarian support and sustaining the civilian population.
Gazas humanitarian crisis is far from over.
Help deliveries had considerably increased over the course of the ceasefire, but they remain a drop in the ocean compared to the enormous requirements on the ground.Beyond emergency relief, a long-term commitment to rebuilding vital services and restoring self-respect to affected communities is needed.
There is likewise an immediate need for diversified help, including construction products for shelters, medical materials, and other essential services to address the complex humanitarian crisis.The suspension of help now, including the cessation of power to the only water desalination center in Gaza, runs the risk of plunging Gaza even more into a severe humanitarian emergency.
The impacts are currently felt in price increases and lacks of standard goods.Under international humanitarian law, Israel shall ensure that the standard requirements of the civilian population under its control are satisfied.
The rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian assistance should likewise be permitted and facilitated.The ICRC stays committed to providing lifesaving help and promoting for the urgent requirements of those impacted.
Fast and unimpeded humanitarian access is crucial to fulfilling this objective.
The ICRC restates its immediate call for more aid to go into Gaza, for all hostages to be released and for the ceasefire to continue.