TEHRAN - Iran is not seeking a nuclear weapon, despite assessments by the International Atomic Energy Agency that Tehran has rapidly increased enrichment of uranium to levels sufficient to build several weapons, The National reported.That is the view of the U.S.
intelligence community in its Annual Threat Assessment, released on March 25.We continue to assess Iran is not building a nuclear weapon, the report said.US intelligence community viewThe 31-page report represents the joint view of up to 18 US intelligence agencies, from theCIA the US foreign intelligence service, to the Pentagons Defense Intelligence Agency, theNational Security Agency, which monitors communications, and theNational Reconnaissance Office, which operates spy satellites.It could surprise observers listening to PresidentDonald Trump, who has warned Iran to stop its nuclear research program or face military consequences.The report was published as Iran revealed more of its vast underground military infrastructure on Tuesday, some dedicated to protecting nuclear facilities from air attack, and some bases dedicated to housing drones and missiles.Iranian state media showed a video of a subterranean missile city being toured by Major General Mohammad Hossein Bagheri, chief of staff of Irans Armed Forces, and Amir Ali Hajizadeh, who commands the aerospace forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.Iran has shown several similar underground bases in the past, housing drones, attack boats and even fighter aircraft.