
TEHRAN- The Arab Spring motion, which began in Tunisia, rapidly impacted all the Arab nations of North Africa and some in West Asia.Immediately after the start of the unrest, the president of Tunisia handed over the power, and then, Mubarak in Egypt and Gaddafi in Libya.

Mubarak quit power so that the so-called democracy might develop in the Middle East.After the advancements in North Africa caused basic changes, some nations in West Asia and beyond concluded that they have the ability to handle similar scenarios for some nations in the region.

West Asia, where any changes and advancements in it are followed with high sensitivity by regional and international powers, got caught in an undesirable violence.The Zionist routine, the United States, and some Western countries on one hand, and Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, and a number of other nations on the other started to execute the design that began in North Africa.In order to implement the above-mentioned model, they needed a land where the execution of this model might be checked.

They picked Syria, since it was at the leading edge of the resistance front, was concurred upon by all parties in the region and outside the region.

And on March 15, 2011, the civil war in Syria began with the objective of eliminating the popular government.The war first started by penetrating the Syrian army and a group called the Free Syrian Army (FSA) was formed, but when FSA was severely defeated by the Syrian army and its allies, the hostile nations took the method of mercenary fighters, or to put it simply, worked with terrorists, to destroy Syria.The Syrian dispute is one of the worst wars the region has actually experienced in the last century.

By March 2022, it is said that 499,657 to 610,000 individuals were eliminated int this long war.Turkey was among the primary fans of the war in Syria, however the war did not lead to an outcome, and Bashar al-Assad stayed in power with the support of his allies.

Assads resistance caused the Arab nations to fix their position towards Syria and a few of them re-opened their embassies.But Turkey remained in a various scenario due to common borders and the issues that it had in the post-war Syria.The nation continued its hostile actions for a time, however Ankara seems to have reached the exact same conclusion as its Arab allies.Accordingly, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reveals the possibility of his conference with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad in the near future.A week after a conference in between the defense ministers of Turkey and Syria, Erdogan said on Jan.

5, that he might sit down with Assad to foster peace and stability in Syria.Erdogans use of the word may to fulfill Assad is due to the fact that the Syrian president had previously rejected Erdogans request to meet.Why Erdogan changes strategyNow the concern is that why the Turkish leader changed his method.

Turkey and Syria have shared interests in the current scenario, and Ankara will demand strong warranties from Syria for the return of refugees to their country, a previous Turkish diplomat states.

Throughout the war, many Syrian refugees entered Turkey and this ended up being an obstacle for Ankara.On December 31, 2022, Al Jazeera reported: After Turkey and Syria cut ties for about 11 years, the defense ministers of the two nations met in Moscow on Wednesday (Dec.

28) in the presence of their Russian equivalents.

These ministers consented to form joint committees of defense and intelligence officials.

These committees will begin their conferences at the end of January in Moscow.

After that, conferences will be kept in Ankara and Damascus.

In this regard, Fikret Ozir, a former Turkish diplomat, said: Turkey tried to fix the Syrian crisis through the Astana and Geneva procedures, and now it is attempting to activate the processes that have reached a dead end.

Turkey is trying to understand its internal security and its borders with Syria and the return of Syrian refugees to their nation.

This problem depends upon the present settlements between Syria and Turkey.

Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar had actually formerly revealed: The return of Syrian refugees must be voluntary and safe.

Turkey has actually stated its preparedness to cooperate on that.

Now Erdogan has actually decided to alter his nations hostile relations with Syria.

It wishes to go back to the pre-war condition, but there are some factors to consider in this way.Cementing ties is a tool to advance internal goalsSalahuddin Hawa, in an article on Washington Institute composes, discusses the possibility of contact in between the Turkish and Syrian sides-- consisting of the possibility of a call between the 2 presidents-- will definitely benefit Ankara.

The AKP government is working to remove the internal Turkish opposition of the cards it counts on its electoral propaganda in the months leading up to Turkeys June 2023 elections, Hawa stated.In the past, Turkish opposition has latched onto the problem of Syrian refugees as its description for Turkish internal and external crises, and opposition figures have proposed that the normalization of relations with the Syrian routine is the very best method to solve it, as the Modon electronic paper reported from the Turkish Deutsche Welle site on August 4.

Thus, numerous observers analyze Erdogan and Cavusoglus recent declarations as an attempt to avoid the Turkish opposition from taking advantage of this card.

The declarations of Turkish officials about establishing a strategy to willingly return one million Syrian refugees to northern Syria can be placed in the very same context as drawing out the papers of the Turkish opposition with which it will contest the 2023 elections.Cementing ties, a tool to advance regional and worldwide goalsIt appears that Turkey is likewise looking at softening its relations with Syria as a tool to advance its local and international goals.Turkey aims to resolve the Kurdish issue in the border location by improving relations with Syria.Turkey does not have the support of the United States in dealing with the Kurds, and Erdogan wishes to end the case with the assistance of President Assad so that he can use it as a bargaining chip in the upcoming elections.Erdogan is also attempting to finalize the talks with Damascus through the mediation of Moscow, first, to have the upper hand in its military cooperation with Russia, consisting of in future purchases of rocket guards, and second play a function in Russias technique in the region and the world after the Ukraine war.

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