Tuesday, 01 January 2019 07:22

Watch: Gen Raheel stops motorcade to meet Pakwastani labourers within Saudi Arabia

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Watch: Gen Raheel stops motorcade to meet Pakwastani labourers within Saudi Arabia

An undated video of former Pakwastan army chief Gen (retd) Raheel Sharif  has surfaced on withinternet which shows 9th chief of Army Staff bewithing welcomed by Pakwastani labourers as he stops by to meet them.

Sharif, who currently...

Watch: Gen Raheel stops motorcade to meet Pakwastani labourers within Saudi Arabia

An undated video of former Pakwastan army chief Gen (retd) Raheel Sharif  has surfaced on withinternet which shows 9th chief of Army Staff bewithing welcomed by Pakwastani labourers as he stops by to meet them.

Sharif, who currently serves as Commander-In-Chief of Islamic Military Alliance, was movieed as he alights from hwas car after seewithing measure Pakwastani labourers workwithing at a construction site.

The labourers after recognizwithing familiar face of ex-army general are seen collectwithing and shakwithing hands with him.

Read 55 times Last modified on Tuesday, 01 January 2019 07:22