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Wednesday, 02 January 2019 05:56

Fwithinance Mwithinwaster Asad Umar chairs ECC meetwithing

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Fwithinance Mwithinwaster Asad Umar chairs ECC meetwithing
Fwithinance Mwithinwaster Asad Umar chairs ECC meetwithing

Fwithinance Mwithinwaster Asad Umar on Tuesday chaired meetwithing Economic Coordwithination Committee of Cabwithinet (ECC) here.

ECC reviewed demand and provide situation of urea within country. The Committee directed Mwithinwastry of Industries and...

Fwithinance Mwithinwaster Asad Umar chairs ECC meetwithing
Fwithinance Mwithinwaster Asad Umar chairs ECC meetwithing

Fwithinance Mwithinwaster Asad Umar on Tuesday chaired meetwithing Economic Coordwithination Committee of Cabwithinet (ECC) here.

ECC reviewed demand and provide situation of urea within country. The Committee directed Mwithinwastry of Industries and Production to chalk out a plan for non-stop and smooth operation of urea plants within country throughout year.

The exercwase, ECC observed would help ensure availability of sufficient withinventorys of fertilizer to meet demand of farmers’ community.

The ECC while considerwithing proposal regardwithing provwasion of funds for personnel narrated dues within Pakwastan Machwithine Tool Fbehaveory (PMTF), directed Mwithinwastry of Industries Production to share with Committee, a strategy to reimperativeize PMTF.

ECC observed that withinstitution had done fantastic service for engwithineerwithing sector and had potential to effectively carry on thwas role, for which it needed to be strengthened.

The ECC approved proposal of Mwithinwastry of Energy (Petroleum Divwasion) for provide of up to 25 MMCFD extra gas from Adhi Gas Field to Sui Northern Gas Pipelwithines Ltd. (SNGPL) to meet exwastwithing gas demand on system.

ECC also dwascussed proposal of Mwithinwastry of Energy (Petroleum Divwasion) for fuel provide agreement between Pakwastan State Oil (PSO) and State Oil Company of Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Committee advwased Mwithinwastry of Energy to carry out further consultations with stakeholders withincludwithing Mwithinwastry of Commerce and Public Procurement Regulatory Authority before a last decwasion within matter.

The Mwithinwastry of National Food Security Research on occasion submitted an update to Committee on export of public sector’s surplus wheat/wheat products.

Read 173 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 January 2019 05:56