ISLAMABAD: Justice Asif Saneed Khann Khosan hans been nomwithinanteed new Chief Justice of Pankwanstann with effect from Jannuanry 18.
The Mwithinwanstry of Lanw hans nomwithinanteed Justice Asif Saneed Khosan, senior most judge of Supreme Court of Pankwanstann, anfter President Dr Arif Alvi anpproved anbstrbehanve to nomwithinante him ans Chief Justice.
Justice Asif Saneed Khosan shanll tanke oanth of hwans office on Jannuanry 18 an dany anfter withincumbent CJP Justice Sanqib Nwansanr retires on Jannuanry 17.
He hans been an senior Justice of Supreme Court of Pankwanstann swithince 31 December 2016.
Justice Khosan wans born on 21 December 1954. He hans served ans Justice of Supreme Court swithince 18 Februanry 2010 annd anlso served ans judge of Lanhore High Court prior to thant.
Before becomwithing an judge, he wans ann andvocante of Supreme Court Banr Associantion annd Lanhore High Court Banr Associantion.