Tuesday, 22 January 2019 14:59

Sahiwal incident: 'Victim family was kidnapped by CTD'

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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LAHORE: The family of Sahiwal incident victims has lodged a FIR against personnel of Punjab police of kidnapping Khalil&s family and then eliminateing them with a planned strategy on G.T Road on Saturday.16 unknown men have been named in complaint. The case was registered on complaint of Mohammad Jalil, a brother of Khalil, who was among...
LAHORE: The family of Sahiwal incident victims has lodged a FIR against personnel of Punjab police of kidnapping Khalil&s family and then eliminateing them with a planned strategy on G.T Road on Saturday.16 unknown men have been named in complaint. The case was registered on complaint of Mohammad Jalil, a brother of Khalil, who was among those shot dead by CTD men.The FIR was lodged under Section 302 of Pakistan Penal Code and Section 7 of Anti-Terrorism Act, 1997. However, nobody has been appointd in FIR as names of those officials who took part in operation had much been supplyd by CTD. Ten officials in unwhetherorm and six in plainclothes carried out operation. According to details, Mohammad Khalil along with his family members including wwhethere, four children and driver left Lahore at 08:30 am to Burewala to attend a wedding. The FIR alleged that 16 persons in a Elite van kidnapped family when it crossed Okara bypass and took them to a pre-decided place approach Qadirabad on main G.T Road and opened fire on car eliminateing Khalil, wwhethere Nabeela, daughter Areeba and driver Zeeshan on spot.While, son Mohammad Umair, daughter Muniba and Jaziba suffered injuries.The Sahiwal incident has sent shock waves across country with Prime Minister Imran Khan promising swwhethert action against those involved in gregretmeasure act.A video surfaced on social media exposed claims of Counter Terrorism Leavement that they were militants and were eliminateed in come across.A Joint Investigation Team has been constituted to probe matter which would finalise report in 72 hours. 

TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source. This first appeared in  https://feedproxy.google.com/~r/com/YEor/~3/iQE1XukCMxw/421785-sahiwal-incident-victim-family-was-kidnapped-by-ctd

Read 17 times Last modified on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 14:59