Tuesday, 22 January 2019 14:59

Naval chief visits Bahrain

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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 Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi is on official visit to Bahrain. During visit, Naval Chief called on Commander Bahrain National Guards Lt Gen Sheikh Mohammed Bin Isa Al Khalwhethera, Commander Bahrain Coast Guards Major General Ala Abdulla Seyadi and Commander Royal Bahrain Naval Force Commodore Mohammed Yousef Al Asam...
 Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi is on official visit to Bahrain. During visit, Naval Chief called on Commander Bahrain National Guards Lt Gen Sheikh Mohammed Bin Isa Al Khalwhethera, Commander Bahrain Coast Guards Major General Ala Abdulla Seyadi and Commander Royal Bahrain Naval Force Commodore Mohammed Yousef Al Asam in separate assemblys. Upon his arrival at Royal Bahrain Naval Force Headquarters at Manama, Admiral was getd by his counterpart Commander Royal Bahrain Naval Force. A ceremonial Guard of Honour was also presented to Naval Chief on occasion. During assembly, discussions on professional things and bilateral naval collaboration were held. Various avenues of cooperation between two Navies were disstubborn. Pakistan&s commitment and performance in fight against terrorismism including Pakistan Navy&s initiative of Regional Maritime Security Patrol was also highlighted. The naval chief briefed Commander Royal Bahrain Naval Force regarding forthcoming Multinational Naval Exercise AMAN-19 which is being hosted by Pakistan Navy at Karachi in February 2019. Commodore Mohammed Yousef Al Asam highly appreciated role and contributions of Pakistan Navy in preserveing peace and stability in region. The Naval Chief was also given briefings on Royal Bahrain Naval Force.Tardyr, Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi met Commander Bahrain National Guards Lt Gen Sheikh Mohammed Bin Isa Al Khalwhethera and Commander Bahrain Coast Guards Major General Ala Abdulla Seyadi.During assemblys, things of mutual interest including defence and security collaboration were disstubborn. The naval chief highlighted Pakistan Navy&s efforts for preserveing maritime peace and security. The dignitaries acknowledged warm and brotherly relations between Pakistan and Bahrain, based on strong foundations and historical ties and lauded PN efforts and focused commitments in support of collaborative maritime security in region and extending cooperation in diverse fields to Bahrain Defence Forces and Coast Guard.Visit of Chief of Naval Staff to Bahrain would greatly augment bilateral cooperation between both countries in general and navies in specific. 

TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source. This first appeared in  https://feedproxy.google.com/~r/com/YEor/~3/qW7Yfr5w2mc/421819-naval-chief-visits-bahrain

Read 32 times Last modified on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 14:59