Thursday, 24 January 2019 04:35

Zulfi Bukhari meets Iraqi President Barham Salih, discusses job opportunities for Pakistanis

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Overseas Pakistanis Zulfikar Bukhari called on Iraqi President Barham Salih at his office in Baghdad nowadays.Both the dignitaries disstubborn the issues of mutual interests. Pakistani labor force in Iraq came under discussion. Zulfikar Bukhari apprised the Iraqi President that Pakistan seeks an...
ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Overseas Pakistanis Zulfikar Bukhari called on Iraqi President Barham Salih at his office in Baghdad nowadays.Both the dignitaries disstubborn the issues of mutual interests. Pakistani labor force in Iraq came under discussion. Zulfikar Bukhari apprised the Iraqi President that Pakistan seeks an increase in its labor force in Iraq amid the development activities in the country. The assembly included the agenda of importing more Pakistani seliminateed and non-seliminateed manpower to Iraq. Zulfikar Bukhari said that the economic potential of Iraq is much to be underestimated. The economic possibilities in the country present unprecedented opportunities for Pakistani workforce, he added. He went on to say that all the economic sectors in Iraq have the potential to see additionalordinary growth in future and Pakistan has ample supply of manpower that can prove to be crucial for the development activities in Iraq. Both the dignitaries agreed upon creating a mechanism to increase supply of Pakistani manpower to Iraq.On the occasion, Zulfikar Bukhari emphasized that the government of Pakistan is committed to facilitate abroad Pakistanis. More opportunities shall present themselves to Pakistanis in future, he said. There is a positive response being getd from Gulf countries for the import of seliminateed and non-seliminateed manpower from Pakistan.

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Read 47 times Last modified on Thursday, 24 January 2019 04:35