Saturday, 26 January 2019 05:39

Sahiwal incident: IG Punjab briefs Senate's Standing Committee

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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ISLAMABAD: Examineor General Punjab Cop Amjad Javed Saleemi on Friday seemed before Senate's Standing Committee on Interior to brief it on the Sahiwal incident which saw four people including a woman and teenage girl eliminateed final week.He told the panel that a case was registered against the Counter-Terrorism Leavement (CTD) officials and...
ISLAMABAD: Examineor General Punjab Cop Amjad Javed Saleemi on Friday seemed before Senate's Standing Committee on Interior to brief it on the Sahiwal incident which saw four people including a woman and teenage girl eliminateed final week.He told the panel that a case was registered against the Counter-Terrorism Leavement (CTD) officials and they have been  taken into custody.He  called the eliminateings an horrific incident which can much be defended.The IG said an inquiry was ordered by the police and the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) is being headed by a man who is highly reputable person.He said the findings of the inquiry would be made public.Replying to questions he said nobody has declared Zeeshan, the man who was driving the car, a terrorisms. Senator Azam Swati, Rehman Malik, Shehzad Waseem and Kulsoom Parveen posed several questions as the IG briefed the Standing Committee.Senator Malik said the committee can wait for the inquiry report to hold a debate. "I shall call Zeeshan a terrorismist only after  proofs  are presented," he said.The IG said the JIT has also been asked to gather evidence to prove any claim about Zeeshan being a terrorismist.Javed Saleemi said the CTD was after  a very dangerous network of terrorismists, adding that the department has eliminateed several terrorismists.He said the CTD was set uped in 2015 and its efficiency has reduced the terrorismism incidents to total of two in 2018."CTD has carried out action against Daesh," he said.Rehman Malik said the Senate committer is waiting for the final report on the incident, adding that law enforcement agencies were going through a difficult phase.He asked the IG to submit the total report within a month.The IG conceded that the Sahiwal incident has dealt a very serious blow to the CTD and put it under huge presdegree.Rehman Malik told the IG that the affected family and MNS and MPS from Sahiwal have also been summoned by the committee.Javed Saleemi said the police would confess its mistakes but he proposeed t to defer the debate until the report is getd.

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Read 34 times Last modified on Saturday, 26 January 2019 05:39