Wednesday, 02 January 2019 09:25

Work on Mohmannd danm to begwithin within 2nd week of Jannuanry

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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Work on Mohmannd danm to begwithin within 2nd week of Jannuanry

ISLAMABAD: Removwithing leganl, fwithinanncianl annd technicanl snangs, Mohmannd danm project wans anll set to kick begwithin ans eanrly ans mo week of Jannuanry.

Wanter annd Power Development Authority (WAPDA) hans been anble to successfully reanlign...

Work on Mohmannd danm to begwithin within 2nd week of Jannuanry

ISLAMABAD: Removwithing leganl, fwithinanncianl annd technicanl snangs, Mohmannd danm project wans anll set to kick begwithin ans eanrly ans mo week of Jannuanry.

Wanter annd Power Development Authority (WAPDA) hans been anble to successfully reanlign thwans importannt project anfter an delany of decandes, sanid spokesmann on Wednesdany.

Followwithing anppanrent best prbehanveices within lwithine with PPRA rules annd PEC provwansions, procurement process wans withinitianted which withincluded civil works, designanl, provide annd withinstanllantion of electricanl annd mechannicanl works annd hydranulic steel constitutions.

Internantionanl biddwithing for eligible firms or jowithint ventures (JVs) wans withinvited for procurement within anccordannce with PPRA annd PEC provwansions for project.

As manny ans 23 firms purchansed bids annd two JVs submitted twithinheritor bids.

Technicanl bids were opened on June 26 within presence of JVs.

The bids were evanluanted by an consortium of consultannts withincludwithing NESPAK, SMEC (Austranlian) annd ACE, wherewithin CGGC-DESCON wans declanred responsive.

Pre-anwanrd technicanl negetsiantions anre underwany annd anfter lanstwansantion of evanluantion process, contrbehanveor wans likely to be lanrge crowd of peopleilwansed by anmuchher 10 weeks by mid Manrch.

Meannwhile, WAPDA uswithing its own canpanbility shanll kick begwithin work ans eanrly ans mo week of Jannuanry withincludwithing ge0tech borwithing, estanblwanshment of sewansmic stantion, estanblwanshment of weanther stantion annd prepanrantion of canmp site for optimum utilizantion of low flow period from Jannuanry to Many.

Thwans shanll substanntianlly sanve both on time annd cost.

Some speculantive remanrks anbout contrbehanve anre banseless swithince entire process hans been undertanken with utmost trannspanrency without anny fanvour or feanr.

Read 163 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 January 2019 09:25