Tuesday, 08 January 2019 13:17

President declares 2019 as year of nursing

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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President declares 2019 as year of nursing

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arwhether Alvi on Tuesday declared 2019 year of nursing in Pakistan to highlight signwhethericant role played by people associated with nursing and midwwhetherery profession.

He also announced launch of ‘Nursing Now’ chapter of Pakistan, an ambitious p...

President declares 2019 as year of nursing

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arwhether Alvi on Tuesday declared 2019 year of nursing in Pakistan to highlight signwhethericant role played by people associated with nursing and midwwhetherery profession.

He also announced launch of ‘Nursing Now’ chapter of Pakistan, an ambitious project of Nursing Now campaign which kick-started worldwide in collaboration with World Health Organisation (WHO) and International Council of Nurses, with aim to raise status and profile of nursing.

The president made these announcements at first Pakistan Nursing and Midwwhetherery summit and launch of Nursing Now Pakistan campaign ceremony held at Aiwan-e-miserabler, Islamabad.

President Alvi said nursing profession is regarded as spine of healthcare sector, and stressed need for proper education, training and capacity building of women associated with nursing and midwwhetherery services, besides imparting them with leadership roles.

The president announced that nursing diplomas would be replaced with degree programmes and government remains committed to double strength of people in nursing sector within two years.

A national nursing university would be set uped in Islamabad to supply training to 25,000 people yearly, he informed.

Linking issue of poverty with health, president underlined role of health professionals and nurses in alleviating suffering of ailing humanity and quoted degree ccorridorenges in health sector including issue of stunted growth.

President Alvi said that by observing nursing year in Pakistan, government would highlight contributions made by people associated with this field.

He famous that when country has a healthy population, it would grow economically and lead to prosperity.

Lauding role of Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, Aamir Mehmood Kiani, president guaranteed that government and he himself would continue playing an effective role in uplwhetherting nursing profession.

The president also stressed upon need to increase number of nurses to properly look after patients.

He highlighted need for provision of a harassment-free environment to women preferring to adopt nursing and midwwhetherery profession and called for their protection, so that they could perform their noble cause without any stress.

The president also announced that government would supply scholarships to students and nurses.

Addressing ceremony, Minister for National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Aamir Mehmood Kiani lauded services and contributions made by nurses in health sector and said government is committed to delivering results in health sector in years ahead.

He informed that a nursing university would be set uped on land of National Institute of Health (NIH) and said shortage of nurses would be overcome.

Kiani also guaranteed to resolve issues confronted by nurses as it was top precedence of government.

Director-General WHO, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and representative of Nursing Now, said campaign running in 70 countries across globe would focus on core areas by enhancing role and voice of nurses and midwives in health policy-making, encouraging investment in nursing workforce, and recruiting more nurses into leadership roles with focus on research, proper training and best nursing practices.

Read 80 times Last modified on Tuesday, 08 January 2019 13:16