Tuesday, 22 January 2019 14:59

Senators demand parliamentary probe into Sahiwals eliminateings

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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ISLAMABAD: Senators on Monday strongly sentenceed eliminateing of a family in Sahiwal and called for constituting a commission to probe incident.Speaking in Senate on Sahiwal&s shootout, which was allowed by Chairman, senators stressed for giving representation in commission to one each member of opposition and treasury, both from Senate and...
ISLAMABAD: Senators on Monday strongly sentenceed eliminateing of a family in Sahiwal and called for constituting a commission to probe incident.Speaking in Senate on Sahiwal&s shootout, which was allowed by Chairman, senators stressed for giving representation in commission to one each member of opposition and treasury, both from Senate and National Assembly as observers.They expressed dissatisfaction over structure of JIT and demanded independent commission to probe incident.Chairman Senate should seek daily report of commission, they added.The lawmakers stressed other members to modwhethery their approach, and avoid delivering speeches for sake of speeches.They proposeed reforms to bring about signwhethericant change in Cop functioning.Leader of Opposition in Senate Raja Muhammad Zafar ul Haq criticized structure of Joint Investigation Team (JIT) and demanded exemplary punishment for those guilty of Sahiwal incident.Senator Sherry Rehman criticized Punjab government for much taking appropriate action against responsible for eliminateing harmless citizens.Senator Faisal Javed said that government shall take action against those involved in incident.He guaranteed that government shall take appropriate steps upto peoples'' expectations.He said that unlike past incidents, present government did much try to cover up and did share details of incident with public.He advised opposition to avoid politics on issue.Senator Kalsoom Parveen, strongly sentenceing incident said that in future steps should be taken to avoid such incidents.She said that no one should be allowed to eliminate harmless people.She said that there should be effective legislation to check such incidents and expressed hope that government shall take appropriate action.Siraj-ul-Haq demanded forensic audit of additional judicial eliminateings and criticized eliminateing of harmless citizens.Abdul Ghafoor Haideri demanded severe punishment for responsible who eliminateed family in Sahiwal.Usman Kakar criticized what he said culture of JIT and demanded independent investigations of eliminateing incident.

TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source. This first appeared in  https://feedproxy.google.com/~r/com/YEor/~3/SlTClzqrtOU/421840-senators-demand-parliamentary-probe-into-sahiwals-killings

Read 29 times Last modified on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 14:59