Friday, 01 February 2019 07:23

Pakistan conducts amuchher successful launch of ballistic missile Nasr

Written by TheIndianSubcontinent News Agency
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RAWALPINDI: Pakistan nowadays conducted amuchher successful launch of short range surface to surface ballistic missile &Nasr& as part of Army Strategic Forces Command training exercise which included quad salvo on 24 January and single shots on 28 - 31 January 2019, the ISPR said in a statement nowadays.&The 2nd phase of this...
RAWALPINDI: Pakistan nowadays conducted amuchher successful launch of short range surface to surface ballistic missile &Nasr& as part of Army Strategic Forces Command training exercise which included quad salvo on 24 January and single shots on 28 31 January 2019, the ISPR said in a statement nowadays.&The 2nd phase of this exercise was aimed at testing the extreme inflight maneuverability, including the end flight maneuverability; capable of defeating, by guaranteed penetration, any currently available BMD system in our neighborhood or any other system under procurement / development,& it added.The launch was witnessed by General Zubair Mahmood Hayat, Chairman JCS Committee, Director General Strategic plots Division, Commander Army Strategic Forces Command, Chairman NESCOM, senior officers from the Army Strategic Forces Command, scientists and engineers of strategic organizations.Chairman JCS Committee appreciated the participating troops, scientists and engineers on achieving yet amuchher milestone of national significance towards Pakistan's strategic deterrence capability. He praised the professional attributes and committed efforts of all concerned which made possible the successful launch of Weapon System.President and Prime Minister of Pakistan alongwith Services Chiefs have congratulated the scientists, engineers and the participating troops on their outstanding achievement.

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Read 37 times Last modified on Friday, 01 February 2019 07:22