Amazon's Alexa user accesses stranger's chats

Image copyrightAmazonImage caption The sending of a private conversation was a rare occurrence, Amazon insisted
A user of Amazon's smart assistant Alexa was sent 1,700 audio files from a complete stranger, after he requested access to his own
recordings.Amazon described the incident as an "isolated case" and put the mistake down to human error.The user, based in Germany, said that
he informed Amazon of the issue but got no reply.The files were later deleted from the link Amazon sent him but remained downloaded on his
computer.The online retail giant said in a statement: "This was an unfortunate case of human error and an isolated incident
We have resolved the issue with the two customers involved and have taken steps to further improve our processes
We were also in touch on a precautionary basis with the relevant regulatory authorities."The man requested access to his data under the new
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).Steve Kuncewicz, a partner at law firm BLM said that it was "quite embarrassing" for Amazon
but the fact that it only involved the data of one person meant the regulator might "take a pragmatic approach".However the man whose data
was exposed could have a civil case to answer should he wish to pursue it, he added.Image copyrightGetty ImagesImage caption
The data included some from when the man was taking a shower The story was first reported by technlogy magazine C't in
It said that the man had provided the recordings to the magazine and it was able to get in touch with person in question.It added that the
audio files revealed a lot of personal data, including where he lived, who his partner is and his taste in music
It also said that some of the recordings were from when he was in the shower.Anyone wishing to find out what Amazon records when they
communicate with Alexa can do so via Amazon's website
They can also delete the stored audio files.In May it was revealed that a conversation between a couple in Portland, Oregon was sent to a
random person in their contacts list.Amazon shipped 6.3 million Echo devices - Alexa-enabled smart speakers - worldwide in the third quarter
of 2018, it recently said.