Multiplayer gaming in VR: what’s it like

TheIndianSubcontinent's VR MonthTheIndianSubcontinent and PC Gamer are diving deep into virtual reality this month with a series of guides,
how-tos, and features digging into every aspect of VR that we're simply calling VR Month
It's all being made possible by Oculus, which stepped up to support this month-long project
and interact with the virtual environment, especially with hand presence and six degrees of freedom, far exceeds the sense of inhabiting a
VR aspect and hand presence of it can make for some amusing and engaging differences, a lot about multiplayer in VR is similar to non-VR
two-dimensional counterparts.Hybrid multiplayer in VRSome VR games offer a multiplayer experience where one player jumps into the virtual
world while other players operate outside
This can be done multiple ways, with cooperative and competitive modes possible, generally offering a novel gaming experience.The Oculus Go
game Covert, and the multi-platform Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, are good examples of hybrid cooperative games
One player is in VR, while another tries to aid and instruct the VR player
In the case of Covert, one player tries to guide the other through an elaborate heist
In Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, non-VR players have instructions on how to defuse bombs, but only the player in VR can see and interact
with the bomb.There are also asymmetric multiplayer games where one player in VR is up against non-VR players who have a totally different
Similarly, Mass Exodus has a VR player try to identify and capture rogue robots that are controlled by non-VR players as they try to blend
Some even bare an uncanny resemblance to popular titles
Pavlov VR looks and plays much like Counter-Strike
War Dust definitely has a Battlefield vibe going on with 32 versus 32 multiplayer battles
with their hands raised to see if enemy players will show mercy
This control over your own movements is a big difference
Sometimes this can look buggy, but it opens the door for interesting interactions.Original experiences stand out in VR as well
Echo Arena and its more violent counterpart, Echo Combat, are two shining examples of building a multiplayer game around VR
for some hilarious and occasionally risque interaction
Teleportation is a popular movement mechanic in VR, because it helps avoid motion sickness
But, it can be hard to shoot a teleporting target
So, some games use uncomfortable locomotion or weird hybrids
Other games keep players more or less stationary, as in the Pong-esque game Sparc, which reduces some of the freedom that makes multiplayer
From Other Suns and Marvel Powers United VR bring players together in VR to tackle shared missions
The popular heist game Payday 2 lets VR and non-VR players team up, as does Star Trek: Bridge Crew.The future of multiplayer gaming in
extend from mobile all the way up to high-end VR
theory, encounter another player fully kitted out for VR.Oculus has also shown another direction VR can go
It showcased a multiplayer mode of Dead and Buried, a cowboy shootout-style game, in which multiple players were competing in a shared
virtual space that was actually mapped to the real physical space they occupied
That is when things will start to get wild.Supported content on TheIndianSubcontinent means the article has been created in partnership with
a developer, publisher, manufacturer or other relevant party
This is distinct from sponsored content on TheIndianSubcontinent, which is created entirely by a third party, and not the
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