Instagram's Temporary Horizontal Feed Update Sees Users Having A Meltdown

Instagram's update left a lot of users unhappy, and has been rolled back.Instagram has apologised for an update that changed the app's
vertical feed to a horizontal one
A few hours ago, Instagram users across the world were shocked to see the photo-sharing app had rolled out an interface update
The horizontal scrolling update allowed users to browse photographs by swiping left or right, instead the usual and well-loved vertical
scrolling style
Safe to say, the update did not find many takers
In fact, most Instagram users took to other social media platforms to talk about how much they hated the updated look.One Twitter user
uploaded a video of the new interface:Others criticised itTrolled it with hilarious GIFsAnd cracked jokesInstagram has since apologised for
and rolled back the update
Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, said the roll-out was an accident and was only meant to be a small test
"If you're still seeing it, simply restart the app," he explained on Twitter.He also shared a picture of the comments on his last post - all
of them from Instagram users decidedly unhappy with the update."Sorry for the confusion! Always trying new ideas, usually with a much
smaller number of people" he explained in a separate tweet.This is definitely not the first time an Instagram update has led to users having
a meltdown