Not Unhappy, Won't Leave BJP, Says Former Maharashtra Minister

Eknath Khadse was seen as No
2 in the Cabinet when he was its member
would not leave it.Mr Khadse's assertion came in the wake of his statement that permanent loyalty to a party can not be taken for granted in
politics.He had made the statement at an event in Bhusawal in Jalgaon district Tuesday.The BJP leader, who had quit the Devendra Fadnavis
Cabinet in June 2016 over allegations of impropriety in connection with a land deal in Pune, said if he feels unhappy at any point, he will
convey the same to the party president.The veteran politician from Jalgaon in North Maharashtra was seen as No
2 in the Cabinet when he was its member.Mr Khadse's Tuesday statement had come after Congress leader Ulhas Patil gave an open invitation to
him to join his party, claiming the BJP has done "injustice" to him.Mr Khadse's comment triggered speculation he was on his way out of the
saffron outfit and may join the Congress.However, the BJP leader claimed he was not going anywhere."I am not going to quit BJP and I am not
If I am unhappy about something, I will speak with the party president," Mr Khadse maintained.