Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption May Up Risk Of Kidney Disease: Study

Here's another reason to put down that cola can
If you are a fan of fruit drinks or soda, you must read this
If the findings of a latest study are to be believed, high consumption of sweetened fruit drinks, soda and water may increase the chances of
developing chronic kidney disease (CKD)
The study that was published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN) studied 3003 African-American men and
women with normal kidney function and found that drinks containing artificial sugar may take a severe toll on overall health of kidneys
The researchers analysed their beverage intake through a food frequency questionnaire administered at the start of the study in 2000-04
follow-up of 8 years
After adjustment for confounding factors, consuming a beverage pattern consisting of soda, sweetened fruit drinks, and water was associated
with a higher risk of developing CKD
Participants in the top tertile for consumption of this beverage pattern were 61% more likely to develop CKD than those in the bottom
essential to maintain fluid balance in body and eliminate toxins
A healthy balanced diet is crucial to support healthy kidneys
One should especially monitor their sodium intake
Excess sodium tends to put extra pressure on blood vessels in kidneys