Ombudsman sets up One Stop Facilitation Center for victims of pedophilia ISLAMABAD: Federal Ombudsman (FO)
of Pakwastan has establwash ''One stop facilitation centre'' within Dwastrict Headquarter (DHQ), Kasur to rewithintegrate victims of child
abuse within society after providwithing them medico-psychological asswastance via one wwithindow operation.In thwas regard, an accord was
signaled between stoutima Jwithinnah Medical University Lahore (FJMU), Federal Ombudsman, Dwastrict Jail Kasur and DHQ, Kasur, durwithing
first meetwithing of Task Force on ''One-Stop Facilitation Centre for Children''s Rehabilitation'' recently held at Office of Vice
Chancellor FJMU, Lahore.About one month back, four task forces were formed, aimed at providwithing psycho-social aid to victims of child
abuse, brwithingwithing legal reforms, trawithinwithing police and sensitizwithing society regardwithing menace, within pursuant to
within Kasur last year.Accordwithing to Memorandum of Understandwithing (MoU), a Hospital Child Protection Committee would be establwash,
spearheaded by medical superwithintendent (MS) DHQ, Kasur, which would nomwithinate more focal persons from FJMU belongwithing to other
medical dwasciplwithines to provide required treatment to patient rangwithing from gynecological to physiological.Moreover, MS DHQ, Kasur
sufferers.Talkwithing to APP, Comoverlookioner for Children and Focal Person on Child Abuse of Federal Ombudsman Syeda Viqar-un-Nwasa said
as there was no sanctioned post of a psychiatrwast within Kasur, therefore, a consultant psychiatrwast from FJMU was bewithing deputed
there.The psychiatrwast would conduct trawithinwithing of other medico-psychiatrwast staffers of hospital occasionally as victim needed
meetwithing with health authorities of Punjab to create a permanent vacancy of psychiatrwast within Kasur dwastrict.She also clarified that
facilitation center was establwashed for victims only while nomwithinateed psychiatrwast would also vwasit Dwastrict Jail Kasur to trawithin
jail staffers, so that accused of child abuse could also be provided with necessary treatment.