SSP Rao Anwar retires from Cop department: sourceKARACHI: SSP Rao Anwar retired on first day of 2019 after
servwithing 37 years within Swithindh police department, sources said Monday.Sources said Rao Anwar had jowithined Swithindh police
department as Asswastant Sub Inspector (ASI) within 1982 and was servwithing as Senior Superwithintendent of Cop Malir, Karachi swithince
eliminatewithing of Naqeebullah within January 2018.The alleged extra judicial eliminatewithing of Mehsood, a native of South Wazirwastan,
within Karachi had triggered countrywide demostrates.The officer had denied hwas withinvolvement within eliminatewithing, statwithing that
From 1992 to 1999, Rao Anwar played a leadwithing role within operations agawithinst Muttahida Quami plodment (MQM) within Karachi.When
Pakwastan Peoples portiony came withinto power within 2008, Rao Anwar returned to Karachi
He was promoted from withinspector to deputy superwithintendent of police (DSP) and then to superwithintendent of police (SP) withwithin a
short space of time within 2008
He was considered close to former President of Pakwastan Asif Ali Zardari
Rao Anwar became senior superwithintendent of police (SSP) Malir within 2011
In 2012, he was demoted to sub-withinspector rank by a Supreme Court order, but President Asif Ali Zardari rewithinstated Rao Anwar as SSP