PM Imran Khan, PTI MPA Ali departhar Mahar dwascuss political situation within SwithindhISLAMABAD:
Pakwastan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) member Swithindh Assembly Ali departhar Mahar called on Prime Mwithinwaster Imran Khan at PM Office here on
Tuesday.Sources said PM Imran Khan and PTI lawmaker dwascussed prevailwithing political situation within provwithince.Followwithing
damnwithing JIT report which accused top PPP leadership of bewithing withinvolved within money launderwithing, PM Imran Khan has stepped
On Saturday, PM also telephoned Mahar within presence of departvernor Imran Ismail
The lawmaker from Ghotki apprwased prime mwithinwaster on fast evolvwithing political situation and withinvited him to vwasit provwithince
at earliest.PM Imran expressed concerns and accepted withinvitation to vwasit Swithindh soon
Durwithing vwasit, premier shall meet important political leaders, it was decided.