Xi Jinping says Taiwan "must and will be" reunited with China

Image copyrightEPAImage caption Mr Xi said unification was inevitable for China's rejuvenation Chinese
President Xi Jinping has urged the people of Taiwan to accept it "must and will be" reunited with China
In a speech marking 40 years since the start of improving ties, he reiterated Beijing's call for peaceful unification on a
one-country-two-systems basis.However, he also warned that China reserved the right to use force
While Taiwan is self-governed and de-facto independent, it has never formally declared independence from the mainland.Beijing considers the
island to be a breakaway province
Mr Xi said both sides were part of the same Chinese family and that Taiwanese independence was "an adverse current from history and a dead
end".Taiwanese people "must understand that independence will only bring hardship," Mr Xi said, adding Beijing would never tolerate any form
of activity promoting Taiwanese independence
Instead, unification was "an inevitable requirement for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people", he argued.He also stressed that
relations with Taiwan were "part of China's domestic politics" and that "foreign interference is intolerable"
Beijing "reserves the option of taking all necessary measures" against outside forces that interfere with peaceful reunification and
Taiwanese separatist activities, he said, repeating a long-standing warning.Image copyrightEPAImage caption Many in
Taiwan want a separate nation What is the view in TaiwanOne day ahead of Mr Xi's speech, Taiwan's president Tsai Ing-wen
said Beijing should accept the existence of Taiwan and use peaceful means to resolve its differences
"I would like to call on China to face squarely the reality of the existence of the Republic of China on Taiwan," Ms Tsai said, referring to
the island's formal name.China should "respect the insistence of 23 million people on freedom and democracy, and must use peaceful, on
parity means to handle our differences", she added.In November, Ms Tsai's political party saw a heavy setback in regional elections
perceived by Beijing as a blow to her separatist stance.Why is this so contentiousTaiwan is a self-governed democracy and for all practical
purposes has acted as an independent nation since 1950, when China's nationalist government was defeated by communist forces and fled there
from the mainland.China however considers the island to be a renegade province - not a country in its own right - which will one day be
fully reunited with the mainland.Image copyrightAFPImage caption Beijing insists Taiwan is just a breakaway province
In recent years, Beijing has become increasingly assertive over its claims and what it says is a key question of national
sovereignty.China, for instance, insists that other countries can only have diplomatic ties with China or Taiwan, not both
Beijing has won over more and more of Taipei's few international allies to cut diplomatic ties with the island and establish relations with
China instead.Last year, it also forced foreign airlines and hotels to list Taiwan as part of China on their websites