Black Mirror: Bandersnatch star Will Poulter quits Twitter

Image copyrightNetflixBandersnatch actor Will Poulter has quit Twitter, following response to his role in Black Mirror episode.Will, who
appears as Colin Ritman in "choose your own adventure" Netflix drama, says he needs to change his relationship with social media.Some people
commenting on Bandersnatch called Will "ugly" for his appearance in show."In light of my recent experiences I am choosing to take a step
back, of sorts, from Twitter," he wrote.He also thanked people who had commented on show for their responses to show "whatever they may
be".Bandersnatch is about dark and difficult adaptation of a book into a video game by a group of software developers and has several
different endings.In show, Will plays a game creator - and he'd tweeted to say he was "nervous" about episode's release.Comments about his
appearance were posted after Bandersnatch came out on 28 December 2018.Will announced he was leaving Twitter less than a week later."As we
all know there is balance to be struck in our engagements with social media
There are positives to enjoy and inevitable negatives that are best avoided," he said."It's a balance I have struggled with for a while now
and in interest of my mental health I feel time has come to change my relationship with social media."Image copyrightNetflixImage caption
Viewers of Bandersnatch made choices while watching show which affected episode's outcome Will added that
he would occasionally continue to tweet for several anti-bullying organisations."I hope that this shift to reduce my personal expression and
increase focus on issues that matter will result in a better outcome for everyone."Visit Radio 1 advice pages if you want more advice on
coping with pressures of social media.Follow Newsbeat on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.Listen to Newsbeat live at 12:45 and 17:45 every
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