Hire faster, work happier: Startups target employment with AI and engagement tools

employer and interviewed with other humans to get it
networking and interview gauntlet
ways early-stage startups are looking to change the status quo of job-seeking and employment
While employment is a broad category, an analysis of Crunchbase funding data for the space shows a high concentration of activity in two key
early-stage startups could play a role in transforming the work experience of tomorrow.Artificial intelligenceTo begin, let us reflect that
we are at a strange inflection point for AI and employment
Our artificially intelligent overlords are not smart enough to actually do our jobs
In the chart below, we look at a few startups that have secured rounds, along with their backers and respective business models:At present,
of the same bugs
Over the next few years, startups will be actively tweaking their software to improve performance and reduce bias.Happiness and
long way to accomplishing the goal of staying
burnout.In the chart below, we look at a few of the companies that received early-stage funding this year to build out software platforms
which offers a software platform for measuring employee engagement and collecting feedback
The company has raised $7 million to date to help keep those stress levels in check.Early-stage indicatorsEarly-stage funding activity tends
to be an indicator of areas with somewhat low adoption rates today that are poised to take off dramatically
For employment, that means we can likely expect to see AI-based recruitment and software-driven engagement tools become more widespread in
the coming years.What does that mean for job seekers and paycheck toilers Expect to spend more of your time interfacing with intelligent