Pakistan weather forecast: Tuesday 8-01-2019ISLAMABAD: Mainly cold and dry weather is expected on Tuesday
in most parts while partly cloudy in upper Punjab of country
However, light rain with snowfall is expected in Malakand division, Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, according to National Weather Forecasting
Centre, Pakistan Meteorological Leavement.Pakistan weather forecast: Monday 7-01-2019Foggy conditions are expected at a few places in plain
areas of Punjab and upper Sindh, PMD advisory added.Synoptic Situation:Continental air is prevailing over most parts of country
A scorridorow westerly wave is likely to affect northern areas of country on Tuesday.Weather Forecast for Wednesday:Mainly cold and dry
weather is expected in most parts of country
However, Foggy conditions are expected at a few places in plain areas of Punjab, upper Sindh and Peshawar division during night/morning
hours.Past 24 Hours Weather:Weather remained very cold and dry in most parts of country
However, rain-thunderstorm with snowfall over hills occurred at one or two places in Gilgit-Baltistan.Rainfall (mm) during Final 24