Sabika Sheikh's funeral prayers offered in Houston

Sabika Sheikh's funeral prayers offered in HoustonTEXAS: The funeral prayers for Sabika Sheikh, the young
Pakistani exchange student killed in a mass shooting Friday at Santa Fe School, was held on Sunday after Namaz-e-Zuhr, here in a local
mosque.Hundreds of people made their way to Houston on Sunday to attend the somber ceremony took place at an Islamic center in the Texas
town of Stafford.Mayor of Houston, Pakistani diplomats, local members of the United States Congress, other US officials and a large number
While her body will reach in her hometown in the wee hours of Tuesday
Ten people, eight students and two teachers, were killed Friday when a shooter identified by police as 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis
opened fire with a shotgun and a handgun before surrendering to police.Sabika Sheikh, described by her family as an excellent student, had
marking the end of the holy Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.The Islamic Society, in its statement, called the shooting "an act of terror"
and said such events "remind us as to what world we live in, where sanctity of life is not valued."