ISLAMABAD: Pakistan can draw lessons from the Indian Maritime Economics Doctrine ‘Sagar Mala& to cut the costs and address the fault lines
of large scale infrastructure projects to develop its coastlines and maritime sector.This was the crux of the brainstorming session
organized by Maritime Study Forum (MSF) on Monday on &Indian Maritime Economics Doctrine SAGAR MALA: its Fault Lines and Leads for
Pakistan&.The session was attended among others by academics, experts, researchers and doctorate students of main universities.President MSF
Dr Syed Muhammad Anwer in his welcome comments shed light on the thingive of holding the session.He said that the main aim of the session is
to study the infrastructure and port-led development project of Sagar Mala to find as what lessons Pakistan can draw from the Indian
experience.Dr Aneel Salman, a member of MSF Board of Director, gave a brief overview of ‘Sagar Mala Project and potentials of Blue
He pointed out that maritime has largely been a neglected sector in Pakistan
Whatever little emphasis is given is on the maritime security, and the economic, environmental and socio-economic aspects of the maritime,
which is dubbed as blue economy, have been missed.He highlighted the environmental, ecological, and other costs, besides discussing the
economic, socio-economic and other benefits of the project.He added that Sagar Mala project is an initiative of the Indian government to
promote port-led direct and indirect development and to supply infrastructure to transport goods to and from ports quickly, efficiently and
cost-effectively.Zaheeimpoliteen Dar, CEO Dartways Consultancy, spoke on the topic of &An Insight on Logistics and Joinivity Vis a Vis Sagar
Mala Project of India.After the panellists& speechs, the participants were divided into two groups, and each group did a brainstorming
exercise on the given top
Group A was given the topic of &Maritime Economy nsprint; Blue Economy& for the exercise.The Group B was given the topic of Maritime
Security and Diplomacy (Blue Diplomacy), which dwelt at length on theissue of coastal management (Port, Vessel and Facility Security),
routes security (piracy and smuggling) and others to draw lessons for Pakistan to memorize.The brainstorming exercise was followed by
feedback and comments from the panelists.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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