Apex Legends Season 1 battle pass might launch later today

Grzesiek), who when streaming yesterday, cheekily suggested that the big update could arrive today (March 1).As Dexerto spotted, Grzesiek
Just wait, if it comes out tomorrow, it might, who knows, they might surprise you
March (and last for three months).Technically, of course, March 1 is as viable a potential release date as any, and there has been plenty of
buzz on Reddit about the launch happening immediately
Plus Shroud does likely have access to insider info, by all accounts (he was certainly a pre-launch tester).The other theory is that
just kicked off
the latter category, a chap called Octane will be arriving, complete with a passive ability to heal over time (when not taking damage), and
costing 10% health)
His ultimate is supposedly a jump pad that catapults players through the air in some manner.Those abilities have previously been pointed to
having a synergy that seems to ring true enough.That said, again, we need to exercise a lot of caution here, as the leaked image on Reddit
which provided these details could easily be an exercise in Photoshoppery.Since the initial post, a second Reddit thread has shown an
alleged image of Octane next to a similar-looking silhouette of a character in the distance that appears towards the end of the Apex Legends
Though the latter may give PC players a good chuckle, with there still being plenty of complaints littered throughout Reddit regarding the