KARACHI: Javed Bhutto, renowned Sindhi mental and husband of journalist Nafisa Hoodbhoy, has been murdered in the United States, according
to unconfirmed reports.According to WashingtonPost, Javed Bhutto was fatally shot Friday morning external a convenience store in Southeast
Washington, and an arrest was made.The post reported that Cop identified the victim as Jawaid Bhutto, 64, of Southeast
They said Hilman Jordan, 45, also of Southeast, was arrested and charged with murder.Hailing from Shikarpur in Sindh, Bhutto had served as
head of Philosophy Leavement at Sindh University before moving to US.A user wrote that there has been a shooting external the couple's house
in Washington DC.He said Bhutto became victim of the shooting carried out by a neighbor upset at being reported to police for drug
dealingSocial media users are paying tribute to Javed Bhutto and mourning the loss of the mental, demanding the US government take
action.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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