Apex Legends attracts 50 million players, gains ground on Fortnite

quarter of the size of the battle royale behemoth - and money printing machine - Fortnite, which had around 200 million players at last
is the time in which they rose to meteoric heights: Fortnite took around four months to reach the 50 million mark, according to Roundhill
who thanked the community for its quick adoption as well as on EA's website, which also teased the first season update that's due out later
this month.That said, Fortnite isn't ready to give up its top spot just yet: Fortnite has just entered its eighth season which has its own
tricks to keep its 200 million players coming back for more, like the addition of new in-game locations and features.The newest of these
eighth season will also reportedly bring buried treasure maps into Fortnite, which Epic says will make their appearance in the near