Email security is greater threat than ever

Emails containing malicious URLs are up by 125 percent when compared to last quarter according to new research from Mimecast.The email and
data security company's latest Email Security Risk Assessment (ESRA) report has revealed that the delivery of emails containing malicious
URLs is on the rise as the lines between email and web security are blurring.This is the first year that Mimecast has tested for malicious
existing email security system for an average of one malicious URL in every 61 emails.The firm also conducted recent research with Vanson
Bourne independently to confirm that malicious URLs are a rampant problem with 45 percent of 1,025 respondents saying the volume of these
URL-based attacks has increased over the last year.In addition to malicious URLs, Mimecast's latest ESRA report also found 24m spam emails,
26,713 malware attachments, 53,753 impersonation attacks and 23,872 dangerous file types
In total, the firm inspected over 230m emails that contained a variety of attack types missed by today's security solution providers that
put both organizations and individuals at risk.Cybersecurity strategist at Mimecast Matthew Gardiner provided further insight on the ESRA
Email delivers believable content and easily clickable URLs, which then can lead unintended victims to malicious web sites
URLs within emails are literally the point of intersection between email and the web
expanding threats and having a single vendor in an integrated solution can help
Cybercriminals are constantly looking for new ways to evade detection, often turning to easier methods like social engineering to gain intel
percent of respondents reported seeing an increase in impersonation fraud from vendors or business partners asking for money, sensitive
information or credentials
Furthermore, 38 percent said they've seen an increase of impersonation fraud from well-known internet brands.Protect yourself from the
latest cyber threats with the best antivirus