UK could soon hit data storage breaking point

New research from Veritas Technologies has revealed that UK consumers face a tough choice between deleting their data or paying extra to
keep it.The firm conducted a study to learn more about consumers' data habits and found that 38 percent of the 2,000 respondents would not
pay for extra data storage on top of what is available on their personal devices
This leaves them with the choice to save more of their data or sacrifice the performance of their devices.When running out of storage on
their personal devices, 82 percent said they would rather delete data than pay extra to keep it with the data types most likely to face
deletion being films and TV shows (45%), text messages (45%), apps (41%) and videos (35%).Veritas also discovered that in some cases,
consumers put more value on their work-related data than on their personal data with 33 percent willing to delete personal emails compared
to 31 percent that said they would delete work emails.Only 22 percent of those surveyed said they would delete their photos over other data
types suggesting photos hold the greatest sentimental value for UK consumers when it comes to data.Surprisingly, over a quarter (27%)
admitted to keeping all of their images out of fear of losing them
However, when it came to film and TV show content, 41 percent said they would delete the data stored on their devices instead of storing
it.Veritas' study also revealed that almost a fifth (18%) of consumers could be classified as data-hoarders who refuse to delete any of
their data
Unfortunately, UK consumers are highly opposed to the idea of paying for storage with over a third (38%) refusing to purchase a monthly data
storage subscription of any kind
is created equal, and consumers have strong views on what types of data matter most to them
The widespread availability of content distribution platforms, such as video streaming services and social channels, enables users to save
content without limits or costs