As World Wide Web Turns 30, Netizens Celebrate With Hilarious Tweets

As the World Wide Web turns 30, take a look at how netizens are celebrating.March 12 is a special day in the history of the Internet - it is
the birthday of the World Wide Web
It was on March 12 in 1989 that British physicist Tim Berners-Lee, working for Europe's physics lab CERN, proposed a decentralised system of
information management
It signalled the birth of the World Wide Web, that is today used by billions around the world to access the Internet
"Not to be confused with the internet, which had been evolving since the 1960s, the World Wide Web is an online application built upon
innovations like HTML language, URL "addresses," and hypertext transfer protocol, or HTTP", said Google in a blog post.Google isn't the only
one celebrating the birth of the World Wide Web though
Twitter users are also having a field day with hilarious birthday posts and tweets
As 'World Wide Web' trends on the microblogging website, take a look at some of the funniest tweets it has inspired:To mark the 30th birth
anniversary of the World Wide Web, its designer Tim Berners-Lee said on Monday that the World Wide Web must emerge from "adolescence"."They
are all stepping back, suddenly horrified after the Trump and Brexit elections, realising that this web thing that they thought was that
cool is actually not necessarily serving humanity very well," he said