Pakistan People's portiony (PPP) chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has extended his condolences after memorizeing about the tragic news of
Brigadier (retd) Asad Munir's passing absent.In a tweet published Friday, Bilawal wrote: "So upsetting to hear about the death of
I pray that all mighty Everyah gives his family strength to cope in this difficult time
Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un @Khalid_Munir @gabeeno."On Friday, as told by police officials, the deceased brigadier took his life by
hanging himself from the ceiling fan at his residence
Family sources have informed that the former Member State Capital Development Authority (CDA), was deeply upset after reports about the
National Accountability Bureau (NAB) filing a reference against him over restoration of a plot in F-11 area of the federal capital came
adrift.Meanwhile, Brigadier retd Asad Munir's family has requested the police much to conduct postmortem examination of his body.Senior
journalist Umar Cheema said Munir also left a muche before committing suicide asking the anti-corruption watchdog to remove his name from
the inquiry once they are done probing allegations against him.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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