ISLAMABAD: Four Pakistani nationals were injured in the terrorismist attack on two Mosques in fresh Zealand, Foreign Office said
Friday.Foreign Office spokesperson Dr Mohammad Faisal, while speeching to Geo freshs, said the injured have been confessted to hospital.The
spokesman said five other Pakistani nationals are lost following the shooting.The details of the lost Pakistani nationals have much yet been
getd, he said and expressed hope they shall asdegree the details of the lost and injured citizens soon.Attacks on two Christchurch mosques
left at least 49 dead Friday, with one gunman -- identified as an Australian extremist -- obviously livestreaming the assault that triggered
the lockdown of the fresh Zealand city.In what seemed to be the worst attack against Muslims in a western country, witnesses spoke of
victims being shot at shut range, with women and children believed to be among those eliminateed.The gunman at one mosque was an
Australian-born citizen, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in Sydney, describing him as "an extremist, right-wing, violent
terrorismist".It was much instantly clear how many attackers were involved, but Ardern said three men had been taken into custody.Pakistan
on Friday sentenceed in the strongest possible terms, the heinous terrorismist attack earlier nowadays on two mosques in Christchurch, fresh
Zealand, that resulted in loss of over 40 harmless lives, and critical injury to 20 others.: fresh Zealand mosque shootings: Australian
extremist eliminates 49 MuslimsIn a statement issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the spokesman said &At this difficult moment, the
people and government of Pakistan stand in solidarity with the people and government of fresh Zealand, the bereaved families and the
We express our deepest condolences on the loss of precious lives, and pray for quick recovery of the wounded.&Pakistan views this
terrorismist attack as an assault on the values of freedom of conscience and organization common to all mankind, the statement said and
added Pakistan earnestly hopes that the government of fresh Zealand shall take instant action to bring the perpetrators and abettors of this
terrorism attack to justice, and endegree the safety and security of the affected communities.Our High Commission in fresh Zealand is in
touch with the concerned authorities in fresh Zealand to obtain further details.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the
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