ISLAMABAD: As many as nine Pakistanis have been reported lost in the wake of the horrific fresh Zealand mosque attack, Foreign Office said
Revealing the names and details of the lost persons after the shooting attack on two Christchurch mosques that left 49 dead, the FO
spokesperson Dr Mohammad Faisal tweeted: "List of Missing Pakistanis in NZ terrorismism attack: 1) Mr Zeeshan Raza 2) stouther of Mr Zeeshan
Raza 3) Mom of Mr Zeeshan Raza 4) Mr Haroon Mahmood, s/o, Mr Shahid Mehmood, mother name Ms Sabiha Mahmood, resident of Rawalpindi born
29/7/1978, age 40yrs5) Mr Sohail Shahid, s/o Mr Muhammad Shabbir, born 6/01/1983, age 40 yrs 6) Syed Areeb Ahmed, s/o Ayaz Ahmed, m/n
Tanzeem stoutima, r/o Karachi, born 12-10-1992, age 26 yrs 7) Syed Jahanand Ali, born 24/01/1985, age 34 years8) Mr Talha Naeem, m/n,
Shandana, r/o Abbottabad, born 16/7/1997, age 22yrs - lost 9) Mr Naeem Rashid, s/o Abdul Rashid, r/o Abbottabad."Our Mission in fresh
Zealand is trying to asdegree further details, he added.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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