Mobility startups: Apply to exhibit for free as a TC Top Pick at Disrupt SF ‘18

Mobility is one of the most rapidly advancing technologies going, and we&re searching for the rising stars of early-stage mobility startups
to apply as a TC Top Pick for Disrupt San Francisco 2018 on September 5-7 at Moscone Center West
It a competitive application process, but if TechCrunch editors designate your company as a Top Pick, you get to exhibit for free in Startup
Alley — the show floor and heartbeat of every Disrupt event
Besides, who doesn&t love free Mobile tech is on the cusp of a revolution, and we&re interested in startups focused on everything it entails
— autonomous vehicles, sensors, drones, security — or something else altogether
Flying cars, anyone Exhibiting in Startup Alley will expose your startup to more than 10,000 attendees, including potential investors,
customers, partners and more than 400 media outlets. Here how the TC Top Pick process works
First things first: apply now
Our expert team of editors will review each application and choose only five mobility startups as TC Top Picks
They also will select five startups for each of the following tech categories: AI, AR/VR, Blockchain, Biotech, Fintech, Gaming, Healthtech,
Privacy/Security, Space, Retail or Robotics
A total 60 companies will exhibit in Startup Alley as a TC Top Pick. If your mobility startup makes the cut, you receive a free Startup
Alley Exhibitor Package, which includes a one-day exhibit space in Startup Alley, three founder passes good for all three days of the show,
use of CrunchMatch — our investor-to-startup matching platform — and access to the event press list. In addition to all the other
potential media opportunities, TC Top Picks also get a three-minute interview on the Showcase Stage with a writer — and we&ll share the
heck out of that video across our social media platforms
That promotional gold right there, folks. And who knows As a Startup Alley exhibitor, your company might even get selected as the Startup
Battlefield Wildcard — if they do, you get to compete in Startup Battlefield for a shot at the $100,000 prize. Disrupt San Francisco 2018
takes place on September 5-7
Don&t miss your opportunity to exhibit in Startup Alley for free
The TC Top Pick deadline is June 29, and we have special offers for early applicants
Does your startup have what it takes to be one of the five mobility TC Top Picks Apply today to find out.