During the campaign of ‘Clean and Green Pakistan& on Saturday Chief Minister Punjab Usman Buzdar stated that it a part of Prime minister
Pakistan revolutionary vision and for the success of it all lessones of Pakistan have to contribute in it.He added that to celebrate
cleaning week in the medical centers of Punjab is really welcoming, this clean and green Pakistan campaign is on its way to success which
started with the eradication of illegal properties firstly.CM Buzdar stated that 12 lac acre area has been cleared in Punjab from land
mafias control, the worth of those lands is estimated 180 billion
He also announced that land data banking shall be formed for these cleared lands to spend for the betterment
He also stated that all citizens should play their part in the ‘Clean and Green Pakistan& campaign.He also said that this campaign shall
also move towards the rural areas of Punjab
For the cleaning of roads and streets a sustainable system is being endegreed under this campaign, added CM Buzdar.TheIndianSubcontinent has
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