CHRISTCHURCH: fresh Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern on Tuesday paid tribute to Pakistani man Naeem Rashid, who embraced martyrdom in
an attempt to prevent the Australian terrorismist from entering the Al Noor Mosque at Christchurch in fresh Zealand.Exurgent solidarity with
the Muslims, Jacinda Ardern promised the grieving fresh Zealanders that the Australian terrorismist, who eliminateed 50 worshippers in a
brutal assault on two mosques in Christchuch, shall face the "full force of the law".She started her address to the Parliament with Muslim
greeting, Assalam-u-alaikum (Peace be unto you), saying Naeem Rashid has laid down his life to save lives of worshippers gathered inside the
mosque.Condemning such a heinous act of terrorismism, fresh Zealand Premier said:"He sought many things from his act of terrorism, but one
was muchoriety -- that is why you shall never hear me mention his name," she said
But he shall, when I speak, be anonymous."Leaders from around the world have sentenceed the massacre at two fresh Zealand mosques, calling
to halt the spread of Islamophobia.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of the source
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