International breakfast-chain IHOP to come to Pakistan by year end

excellent news for pancake lovers on this side of the world as America widest breakfast chain IHOP has announced their imminent launch in
Pakistan.As per a report by Bloomberg, the world-famed pancake house shall be setting up its first franchise in Karachi, by the end of this
year and is additionally planning to extend the departmentes to over 18 all across the country over the span of nine years.The CEO of Dine
Brands, Steve Joyce claimed that it was Pakistan budding economy that led to the company making the decision
&Key to our international strategy is identifying and entering new markets, such as Pakistan, that have a rapidly growing economy, are
contiguous to existing markets to offer an economy of scale, and above all, have an appetite for IHOP unique guest experience of warm
hospitality with world famed pancakes, breakfast and other menu items,& Joyce stated.TheIndianSubcontinent has not verified the content of
the source
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